SPAR APIs Details & Configuration issues with eSignet

Dear Team,

As connected in SPAR Q&A session. I would request to publish the complete listing of API on shared portal links

Also we are facing one redirection issue with eSignet. The details are as following -

  1. We have installed the SPAR using helm script on local and exposed on custom domain(with SSL)
  2. Also installed the mock eSignet as given on spar portal integration links.

Now when user is clicking on button “Proceed With National ID”- This must go to eSignet portal, where the configured url is picking as for eSignet. Which is failing as our deployed domain for SPAR is different. So we tried to change the configuration inside SPAR and found there are certain dependencies on Database level as well and some of the places, its hardcoded in source code. Eventually we have done the changes in deployment file as well.

Another query on client id- can we register the client id from MOSIP PMS module to complete the flow from SPAR to eSignet authorization.

Could you please assist on this. Hoping the positive response from OpenG2P team. Happy to discuss further on this issue. Thanks!


We are also deploying SPAR (OpenG2P 1.2) using helm. But two instances of eSignet is not in “READY STATUS” when deployed using helm. Below are the instances.

  1. eSignet.
  2. Mock-identity-system.

I am attaching the logs screenshots for better understanding of components related issues. If I can summarize the logs content, its as -

  • ApplicationRunner execution failed in the EsignetServiceApplication class.
  • NoSuchSecurityProviderException occurred due to the absence of the specified alias 31b7b859-4bfc-452e-ad47-84162742aa4f.
  • The missing alias is likely causing issues with cryptographic or security-related operations in the application.

So I would request you to suggest, is there any configuration related changes for key-manager & keycloak modules related to eSignet.

Happy to discuss this further. Thanks!